Is the cost to participate the same regardless of how many challenges I complete?
Yes, the cost to participate is $65 for the general public and $55 for BSIM 2020 entrants and volunteers regardless of how many challenges you complete during the month of September. In order to earn a shirt and a medal, all you have to do is complete the 5K Challenge! The more challenges you complete, the more swag you earn! Visit to see all the swag you can earn as you work your way through the five challenges.
Do I have to complete the challenges in consecutive order (i.e. shortest distance first, longest distance last)?
No; you do not have to complete the challenges in consecutive order. For example, you could run a 12K one day, a marathon the next week, and a 5K a few weeks later. If you sync your wearable running tracker, your results will automatically upload (we’ll send instructions on how to sync your device in a few weeks). You can also manually upload your results. You will receive the swag associated with all the distances you complete at the end of the challenge.
Can I add up mileage from several shorter runs to count toward the longer distance challenges?
No; please do not add mileage from several shorter runs to count toward the completion of a longer distance challenge (i.e. you cannot run 5 miles one day, 10 the next, 5 the next, and 6.2 the next to count toward the 26.2 marathon challenge). Each challenge should be completed in one outing, just like a race!
Can I run on a treadmill?
Yes, you can!
Is there a time limit?
The time limit is 23 minutes per mile for each challenge distance. For example, the time limit for the 5K is one hour 11 minutes.
How do I upload my results?
Click here for step-by-step instructions on submitting your results via a wearable device or uploading manually.
How do I know if I am one of the first 200 to register? I want that free backpack!
If you were one of the first 200 to register, you should have received an email from us on Monday afternoon (7/20). If you did not receive an email, you unfortunately did not make the cutoff. Please note that you will only receive an email if you successfully registered as one of the first 200 participants.
I’m a local – how do I claim my free lululemon branded pint glass?
The lululemon pint glass promotion is limited to the first 250 entrants to show proof of registration in store at lululemon Monterey – located in the Del Monte Shopping Center. Simply visit the store and show your confirmation email in order to claim your free Big Sur Marathon pint glass.
Do I earn a medal for each distance I complete?
No, you only earn one medal – that which corresponds to the longest distance challenge you complete during the month of September. For example, if you run all five distances, you’ll receive a Marathon medal. If you run a 5K, 11-Miler, and 21-Miler, you’ll receive a 21-Miler medal.
When do I get all the swag I earn?
At the end of the challenge (September 30th) we’ll tally up all of the swag you earned over the month and send it to you in one big package! Please make sure the shipping address in your haku participant account is up to date. Note that because we can’t order the swag items until October 1, it may take 4-to-6 weeks after October 1 to receive your swag bag due to shipping volume, reduced staff, and potential manufacturing delays associated with COVID-19. Thank you for your patience. We will update this FAQ when shipping begins.
Is this challenge open to international participants?
Yes, The Big Surreal is open to international participants. However, you must have a U.S. shipping address on file in your haku participant account in order to receive your medal and swag at the end of the challenge. We are currently unable to ship internationally.
Are you planning to hold an in-person April 2021 Big Sur Marathon weekend?
No. We announced in August of 2020 that the Big Sur Marathon Foundation will suspend most business operations in October of 2020 and we do not believe it will be safe or viable for us to host any of our races in 2020 or 2021. Please visit that FAQ for more details.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
The best way to reach us is through email, Note that we are working reduced hours during the pandemic but we will get back to you as soon as possible.